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Xenbase Image ID: 48758

FIG. 6. Early vasculature in Xenopus. Ventral view of a double-labelled stage 46 Xenopus embryo (red, anti-cardiac tropon in T (CT3); green, anti-type VI collagen). Image represents 45 optical sections through the embryo, each 10 um thick, digitally merged and colored. The first three branches on the left side of the paired aortic arches are easily distinguished with the antibody to type VI collagen, as are all chambers and the truncus arteriosus with the antibody to cardiac troponin T. Scale bar, 100 um

Image published in: Kolker SJ et al. (2000)

Copyright © 2000. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

tnnt2.LCT3, LOC446916X. laevisThroughout NF stage 46heart
cardiac ventricle
left atrium
right atrium
arterial endothelium
pulmonary artery
col6a1.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 46heart
pulmonary artery
aortic arch

Image source: Published

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