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Experiment details for isl1

Pollock NS et al. (2002) Assay

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
isl1.S laevis NF stage 33 and 34 retina , retinal ganglion cell layer , retinal ganglion cell

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  Fig. 3. Voltage-dependent potassium (Kv) subunit-like immunoreactivity in developing retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons. A: Double labelling of a stage 33/34 retina with anti-Kv1.3 (green) and mouse anti-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU; red) antibodies shows that in the central retina Kv1.3-like immunopositive cells (arrows) are not BrdU positive. B: Double labelling (yellow) with antibodies against the rat Kv4.2 subunit and islet-1 at stage 33/34. The islet-1 antibody stains all RGCs (red), but the Kv4.2 antibody (green) labels only a subset of these islet-1–positive RGCs. C: Double labelling (yellow) of a stage 41 retina with a Muller glial marker (3CB2) and the anti- Kv4.2 antibody shows that radial cell processes in the central third of the retina are immunopositive (arrows) for both markers, whereas processes in the peripheral retina are immunopositive for the Kv4.2- like subunit only (arrowheads). By this stage the optic nerve head (onh), but not RGC somata, are Kv4.2-like immunopositive. D: Merged image of E and F shows colocalization of the Kv3.4 subunit and actin filaments in an RGC growth cone. E: Actin labelled with rhodamine phalloidin. F: The Kv3.4 antibody labels the axon and growth cone. IPL, inner plexiform layer; L, lens; OPL, outer plexiform layer; RGCL, RGC layer. Scale bar 100 m for A–C and 10 m for D–F.