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Experiment details for prph

The expression of XIF3 in undifferentiated anterior neuroectoderm, but not in primary neurons, is induced by the neuralizing...

The expression of XIF3 in undifferentiated anterior neuroectoderm, but not in primary neurons, is induced by the neuralizing agent noggin.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
prph.L laevis NF stage 22 neuron

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  Fig. 3. Co-expression of XIF3 and neural specific tubulin with antibody markers for primary neurons. (A-D) Transverse sections of stage 22 embryos at two positions along the A-P axis: (A and C) embryos at stage 22 stained by in situ hybridization with an DIG-labeled antisense RNA probe to XIF3 (blue) and then by whole-mount antibody staining with anti-HNK- 1(brown). (B and 01 Sections stained by in situ hybridization with a neural specific tubulin (NST) specific antisense probe (blue) and then by whole-mount antibody staining with anti-HNK.1 (brown). At this stage the antibody stains a structure within the cell that is probablv the Goigi apparatus. Note the co-localization of the two stains in the primary neurons. In addition XIF3 staining is seen in undifferentiated neuroectoderm at more rostral levels (panel A).