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Experiment details for six1

Shared evolutionary origin of vertebrate neural crest and cranial placodes.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
six1.L laevis NF stage 26 preplacodal ectoderm , anterior placodal area

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  Fig. 1: Lateral plate ectoderm. a, Summary of lateral plate derivatives at early gastrula (110-cell stage). Magenta, progenitors of PSCs (a8.18 and a8.20 lineage) and aATENs (a8.26 lineage) lineages. Green, pATENs and BTNs arising from b8.20 and b8.18 lineages, respectively. Yellow, neural plate. b, Diagram of Ciona tadpole showing the position of PSCs, aATENs, pATENs and BTNs. c, Summary of Ciona lateral plate ectoderm and Xenopus pan-placodal primordium. Magenta, Dmrt.a-expressing blastomeres (a8.20, a8.18 and a8.26 lineage); green, Msxb-expressing blastomeres (b8.20 and b8.18 lineage); purple, prospective Six1/2- and Eya-expressing blastomeres (a8.26 lineage); yellow, Foxc-expressing blastomeres (a8.20 and a8.18 lineage); grey, Pax3/7-expressing blastomeres (a8.26, b8.20 and b8.18 lineage). A, anterior; Ad, adenohypophyseal placode; L, lens placode; OL, olfactory placode; P, posterior; Pr, profundal placode; V, trigeminal placode. d, Left, tailbud embryo injected with Dmrt.a > CFP (green) and Msxb > mCherry (magenta) reporter genes. The arrowhead indicates the boundary that separates the regions in which Dmrt.a and Msxb is expressed. Right, tailbud embryo injected with Six1/2 > CFP and Foxc > mCherry reporter genes. The arrowhead indicates the boundary that separates the regions in which Six1/2 and Foxc is expressed. Anterior is to the left. Scale bars, 100 μm.