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Experiment details for tbxt

High mobility group B proteins regulate mesoderm formation and dorsoventral patterning during zebrafish and Xenopus early de...

High mobility group B proteins regulate mesoderm formation and dorsoventral patterning during zebrafish and Xenopus early development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
tbxt.S laevis NF stage 10.5 involuting marginal zone

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  Fig. 7 – HMGB3 and HMGB3DC inhibit mesoderm gene expression and mesoderm formation in Xenopus whole embryo. Synthetic mRNA was injected along with the Lac Z mRNA as a cell lineage tracer at the 4-cell stage and in situ hybridization was performed using the markers as indicated on the top at the early gastrula (A–I), late gastrula (J–Q) or tail-bud (P–R) stage in control or injected embryos as indicated on the left. (A–C) Vegetal view of Xbra expression. (D–F) Dorso-vegetal view of type II cytokeratin expression. (G–I) Dorso-vegetal view of Xema expression. (J–L) Dorso-vegetal view of sox2 expression. (M–O) Dorsal view of sox3 expression. (P–R) Lateral view of myosin light chain (MLC) expression. Arrows indicate the dorsal lip of blastopore.