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mespbxenopus unspecified 

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Experiment details for mespb

Identification of novel genes affecting mesoderm formation and morphogenesis through an enhanced large scale functional scre...

Identification of novel genes affecting mesoderm formation and morphogenesis through an enhanced large scale functional screen in Xenopus.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
mespb tgas058e12 tropicalis NF stage 17 unspecified

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  Fig. 13. Regionalized expression pattern of clones giving rise to non-mesoderm related defects. Eleven clones from non-mesoderm related defect group gave rise to restricted expression patterns. These images are sub-grouped by synphenotypes and ordered by clone name. The upper two genes (TGas058e12, TNeu023n04) gave rise to a blister phenotype; the next five genes (TGas005m21, TGas007h22, TGas108b01, TNeu058o20, TNeu104c17) gave rise to ectopic pigmentation; the next gene (TGas111k06) gave rise to apopotisis; the next two genes (TGas139k18, TNeu101f16) gave rise to a bending phenotype and the last gene (TGas100b22) gave rise to a mixed phenotype. For each clone the species and annotation of the closest matching blastx hit is shown. Abbreviations are: a, anterior view (stage 20); d, dorsal view (stage 15, 17 and 30); l, lateral view (stage 11, 21, 28 and 30); v, vegetal view (stage 11).