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mtorxenopus chordal neural plate border [+] 

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Experiment details for mtor

Microarray identification of novel downstream targets of FoxD4L1/D5, a critical component of the neural ectodermal transcrip...

Microarray identification of novel downstream targets of FoxD4L1/D5, a critical component of the neural ectodermal transcriptional network.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
mtor.L laevis NF stage 13 to NF stage 16 chordal neural plate border
mtor.L laevis NF stage 20 to NF stage 24 chordal neural plate border

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  Figure 4. Whole mount in situ hybridization assays illustrating the expression patterns of 7 uncharacterized genes that are up-regulated by FoxD4L1/D5. Gastrula stages are side views oriented with animal cap (An) to the top and vegetal pole (Veg) to the bottom. Transcripts for all 7 genes are detected in the animal cap ectoderm. At neural plate stages, embryos are oriented in an anterior frontal view, with dorsal to the top. Transcripts for all 7 genes are detected in the neural plate (np) and in the ectoderm bordering the neural plate (arrow) that will give rise to the cranial placodes and neural crest. At neural tube stages, MGC132176 is expressed throughout the neural tube (nt), with intense staining in a band in the midbrain-hindbrain (hb) region, in adjacent neural crest (nc), and the dorsal rim of the cement gland (cg). Left embryo is a dorsal view with anterior at the bottom and right embryo is a ventral view of the head. At larval stages (st328), MGC132176 is detected throughout the brain and retina (r), in the lens (L), otocyst (oto), cement gland, branchial arch (BA), and nephric mesoderm (ne). This and all larval stages are side views with anterior to the left. Transverse sections of st38 embryo confirm the labeled tissues identified in whole mount embryos, and identify the profundal ganglion (Pg). At neural tube stages, LOC496224 is expressed throughout the neural tube, retina, and somites (so). Side view with anterior to the left. At larval stages, LOC496224 is additionally expressed in the lens, otocyst, and branchial arches. BC097640 is expressed throughout the neural tube, with strong expression in the pineal primordium (pin), cement gland, several cranial placodes (dlp, dorso-lateral placode; olf, olfactory placode; Vp, trigeminal placode), and scattered cells on the ventral midline (bracket) caudal to the cement gland. Left embryo is an anterior frontal view with dorsal to the top; right embryo is a ventral view with anterior to the top. At larval stages, BC097640 is additionally expressed in the lens, otocyst, branchial arches, head mesoderm (hm), heart (ht), ventral blood islands (bl), somites, and nephric mesoderm. At neural tube stages, BJ051730 is weakly expressed throughout the neural tube, with strong expression in the midbrain-hindbrain region and adjacent neural crest. Dorsal anterior-view from the top. At larval stages, BJ051730 is additionally expressed in the lens, otocyst, branchial arches, somites, and nephric mesoderm. At neural tube stages, BJ043686 is expressed in the neural tube and the ectoderm bordering it (bz). Side view with anterior to the left. At larval stages, BJ043686 is additionally expressed at low levels in the lens, otocyst, somites, branchial arch, head, and nephric mesoderm. At neural tube stages, CB983184 is expressed in the neural tube and the ectoderm bordering it. At larval stages, CB983184 is additionally expressed in the olfactory pit, lens, retina, otocyst, somites, branchial arch mesoderm, and heart. At neural tube stages, MGC68716 is expressed in the neural tube, the ectoderm bordering it, and pineal primordium. At larval stages, MGC68716 is additionally expressed in the otocyst, somites, branchial arch mesoderm, and heart. fb, forebrain; mb, midbrain.