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rnd1xenopus deep 

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Experiment details for rnd1

TGF-beta signaling-mediated morphogenesis: modulation of cell adhesion via cadherin endocytosis.

TGF-beta signaling-mediated morphogenesis: modulation of cell adhesion via cadherin endocytosis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
rnd1.L laevis NF stage 11.5 deep

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  Figure 1. FLRT3 is a direct target of activin and regulates cell adhesion. (A–F) In situ hybridization of FLRT3 (A,B,E) and Rnd1 (C,D,F) in Xenopus gastrula, vegetal view (A–D), and cross-section bisecting Spemann’s organizer (E–F). Arrowheads mark the dorsal lip of the blastopore. (G) Overexpression of Cer-S together with β-galactosiade mRNA at the ventral marginal zone (VMZ) or dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) blocks FLRT3 and brachyury (Bra) expression in the gastrula-stage embryos. Arrowheads indicate the dorsal blastopore lips and brown corresponds to β-galactosidase expression. (H) RT–PCR analysis of animal cap explants. (CHX) Cycloheximide; (H4) histone H4; (WE) whole embryos. (I,J) FLRT3-expressing cells (0.3 ng per embryo) detach from the blastocoel roof and fall into the cavity. (K,L) Coexpression of a dominant-negative form of FGF receptor (2 μg of DN-FGFR mRNA) does not affect the cell detachment property conferred by FLRT3.