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shhxenopus optic stalk [+] 

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Experiment details for shh

Xenopus sonic hedgehog guides retinal axons along the optic tract.

Xenopus sonic hedgehog guides retinal axons along the optic tract.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
shh.L laevis NF stage 32 to NF stage 37 and 38 optic stalk

  Figure 1. Xshh expression in the developing brain. A–C: Lateral views of Xshh mRNA expression (blue) in stage 32, 34, and 38 embryonic brains, respectively. D:Xshh is found at the level of the midbrain in a transverse section of a stage 38 Xenopus embryo. Dotted red line denotes the presumptive location of the optic tract. E: A ventral view of HRP-labeled retinal axons (brown), along with Xshh expression (blue) in a stage 38 brain, at the optic chiasm. F: A lateral view of the same co-labeled brain, along the optic tract, with the white arrow at RGC axons, midway across the diencephalon. Unless otherwise noted, in all appropriate figures, dorsal is to the top. fp, floor plate; no, notochord; nt, neural tube; oc, optic chiasm; ot, optic tectum. Scale bar in D = 100 μm, and in F = 40 μm.