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ca2xenopus duct 

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Experiment details for ca2

Transdifferentiation of tadpole pancreatic acinar cells to duct cells mediated by Notch and stromelysin-3.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
ca2.L laevis NF stage 66 duct

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  Fig. 3. Acinar cells transdifferentiate to duct-like cells in a transgenic pancreas induced to express ST3. (See A of Fig. 2 for the two constructs). The sections are double labeled with antibodies against carbonic anhydrase-II (CA-2) (green) a specific duct cell marker, and amylase (red) an acinar-specific marker. A) premetamorphic control tadpole, B) control adult frog. A premetamorphic (NF55) transgenic tadpole was induced with tetracycline for C) 2 days, D) 4 days, and E) 8 days. The dotted square in D is magnified in F and G to demonstrate that CA-2 and amylase are expressed in the same cells. At 8 days of exposure amylase can no longer be detected, and the total number of cells has decreased. The arrows indicate cells that express both amylase and carbonic anhydrase. Scale bar 20 μm.