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isl1xenopus septum 

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Experiment details for isl1

Moreno N and González A (2017) Assay

Pattern of Neurogenesis and Identification of Neuronal Progenitor Subtypes during Pallial Development in Xenopus laevis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
isl1.L laevis NF stage 56 telencephalon septum

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  FIGURE 1. Pallial boundaries during development. Micrographs of transverse sections through the telencephalon of Xenopus laevis at embryonic (A–D), premetamorphic (E–G) and prometamorphic (H–N) stages. In each panel the developmental stage and the color code for the used markers are indicated. In the developing telencephalon, the combined immunohistochemical detection of Tbr1, expressed in the pallium, and Isl1, a subpallial marker, clearly allowed the identification of the boundary between both regions throughout the rostrocaudal extent (A–G,J,L–N). The localization of Tbr1 (H) at rostral level, in comparison with GABA (I), highlights the olfactory bulb, where GABA was very abundant, in contrast to the pallium, where the Tbr1 expression was observed (H,I). Simultaneous labeling for GABA and Isl1 discerns the SPa from the pallium (K). Scale bars = 50 μm (A–G), 100 μm (H–N). See list for abbreviations.