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mmp14xenopus proctodeum [+] 

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Experiment details for mmp14

Matrix metalloproteinase genes in Xenopus development.

Matrix metalloproteinase genes in Xenopus development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
mmp14.L laevis NF stage 35 and 36 proctodeum

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  Figure 4. In situ hybridization with the MMP-14 antisense probe. A: Stage 18. B: Stage 20. Bi: Sense control. C: Stage 22. D: Stage 26. E: Stage 26. F: Stage 31. G: Stage 35/36. H: Stage 18. I: Stage 23. J: Stage 18. All views are lateral, with dorsal at the top and anterior to the left of the image, except C, H, I, and J. C is a dorsal view, anterior to the left. H and I are transverse sections through the anterior region of the embryo with dorsal to the top. J is a dorsal view with anterior facing. D and E are similar stage embryos. D was developed for a longer period than E. J is a double in situ with Krox-20 in red and XMMP-14 in blue. In this case, the XMMP-14 probe was underdeveloped; otherwise, it would completely mask Krox-20 in red. Colocalization of the red and blue can clearly be seen for rhombomere 5. For rhombomere 3, the XMMP-14 has not been developed enough to be visible, although staining can clearly be seen for XMMP-14 in rhombomere 3 in A. AR, archenteron; BA, branchial arches; CC, cephalic neural crest; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; NC, neural crest; NG, neural groove; NO, notochord; NT, neural tube; PD, proctodeum; R, Rhombomeres; TB, tail bud; TNC, trunk neural crest.