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Oncogene 1996 May 16;1210:2203-11.
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Mos proto-oncogene function during oocyte maturation in Xenopus.

Roy LM , Haccard O , Izumi T , Lattes BG , Lewellyn AL , Maller JL .

The function of the Xenopus c-mos proto-oncogene product (Mos(xe)) has been investigated during oocyte maturation. Experiments with a new antibody able to immunoblot Mos(xe) demonstrated the time course of MAP kinase (MAP K) activation in oocytes paralleled Mos(xe) accumulation, and in activated eggs the deactivation of MAP K paralleled the degradation of Mos(xe). Ablation of Mos synthesis by microinjection of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides abolished activation of MAP K by progesterone, but microinjection of GST-Mos fully restored both MAP K activation and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). The Mos(xe) level at metaphase of Meiosis I (MI) was 2 - 3-fold less than that at metaphase of Meiosis II (MII), but MAP K activation was maximal at metaphase in both MI and MII. In the transition between MI and MII, both cyclin B and Mos(xe) levels rapidly declined in the presence of cycloheximide and injection of exogenous GST-Mos(xe) did not prevent degradation of either protein, although MAP K was activated. Microinjection of GST-Mos(xe) into oocytes was able to activate MAP K before GVBD and H1 kinase activation, and microinjection of constitutively-activated thiophosphorylated MAP K induced de novo synthesis of Mos(xe) before H1 kinase activation, suggesting the existence of a positive feedback loop between MAP K and Mos(xe) accumulation.

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Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ccnb1.2 mapk1 mos