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Neuron 2003 Feb 06;373:449-61. doi: 10.1016/s0896-6273(02)01185-6.
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The CD26-related dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein DPPX is a critical component of neuronal A-type K+ channels.

Nadal MS , Ozaita A , Amarillo Y , Vega-Saenz de Miera E , Ma Y , Mo W , Goldberg EM , Misumi Y , Ikehara Y , Neubert TA , Rudy B .

Subthreshold-activating somatodendritic A-type potassium channels have fundamental roles in neuronal signaling and plasticity which depend on their unique cellular localization, voltage dependence, and kinetic properties. Some of the components of A-type K(+) channels have been identified; however, these do not reproduce the properties of the native channels, indicating that key molecular factors have yet to be unveiled. We purified A-type K(+) channel complexes from rat brain membranes and found that DPPX, a protein of unknown function that is structurally related to the dipeptidyl aminopeptidase and cell adhesion protein CD26, is a novel component of A-type K(+) channels. DPPX associates with the channels' pore-forming subunits, facilitates their trafficking and membrane targeting, reconstitutes the properties of the native channels in heterologous expression systems, and is coexpressed with the pore-forming subunits in the somatodendritic compartment of CNS neurons.

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Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: dpp6

References :
Herson, It takes two to tango, but three to ISA. 2003, Pubmed