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Genes Dev 1998 Jun 01;1211:1593-8. doi: 10.1101/gad.12.11.1593.
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RNA-binding protein conserved in both microtubule- and microfilament-based RNA localization.

Havin L , Git A , Elisha Z , Oberman F , Yaniv K , Schwartz SP , Standart N , Yisraeli JK .

Vg1 mRNA translocation to the vegetal cortex of Xenopus oocytes requires intact microtubules, and a 3' UTR cis-acting element (termed VLE), which also mediates sequence-specific binding of several proteins. One protein, the 69-kD Vg1 RBP, associates Vg1 RNA to microtubules in vitro. Here we show that Vg1 RBP-binding sites correlate with vegetal localization. Purification and cloning of Vg1 RBP revealed five RNA-binding motifs: four KH and one RRM domains. Surprisingly, Vg1 RBP is highly homologous to the zipcode binding protein implicated in the microfilament-mediated localization of beta actin mRNA in fibroblasts. These data support Vg1 RBP's direct role in vegetal localization and suggest the existence of a general, evolutionarily conserved mechanism for mRNA targeting.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 9620847
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC316865
??? Genes Dev

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: actl6a gdf1
???displayArticle.antibodies??? Igf2bp3 Ab2

References [+] :
Bassell, Sorting of beta-actin mRNA and protein to neurites and growth cones in culture. 1998, Pubmed