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Cell 1978 Apr 01;134:717-25.
Show Gene links Show Anatomy links

The nucleotide sequence of oocyte 5S DNA in Xenopus laevis. II. The GC-rich region.

Miller JR , Cartwright EM , Brownlee GG , Fedoroff NV , Brown DD .

The primary sequence of the GC-rich half of the repeating unit in X. laevis 5S DNA has been determined in both a single plasmid-cloned repeating unit and in the total population of repeatig units. The GC-rich half of the repeating unit contains a single long duplication of 174 nucleotides. The duplicated segment commences 73 nucleotides preceding the 5' end of the gene and terminates at nucleotide 101 of the gene. The duplicated portion of the gene, termed the pseudogene, differs by 10 nucleotides from the corresponding portion of the gene, and the remaining duplicated sequence of 73 nucleotides differs by 13 nucleotides. The plasmid-cloned repeating unit differs from the dominant sequence in the total population repeating units by 6 nucleotides in the GC-rich region. Evidence is provided that most of the CpG dinucleotides in 5S DNA are at least partially methylated.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 566164
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