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Ontogenez 1975 Jan 01;66:563-71.
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[Metaplastic transformation of the tissue of the eye in tadpoles and adult Xenopus laevis frogs].

Sologub AA .

The pigment epithelium of the tadpoles and adults X. laevis, as well as of other anurans and cyprinids, is not capable of transformation into the retina without the special influences of agents produced by the retina. When implanting a layer of pigmented epithelium of tadpoles with the Bruch's membrane into the cavity of lensless eye of a tadpole, the transformation of pigment epithelium into retina proceeded in 40% of cases and when implanting the pigment epithelium of adults without the Bruch's membrane, the transformation proceeded in 68% of cases. The lens regeneration from the cornea which proceeds simultaneously under the retina influence exerted no effect upon the metaplasia of pigmented epithelium.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 1230674