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FEBS Lett 1995 Aug 01;3691:107-12.
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Nucleocytoplasmic transport: factors and mechanisms.

Simos G , Hurt EC .

In the past two years, our knowledge concerning the mechanisms of nucleocytoplasmic transport through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) has considerably expanded. The application of in vitro systems that reconstitute nuclear protein import has allowed the identification of cytosolic factors that are required for the import process. Microinjection into Xenopus oocytes and yeast genetic systems have provided interesting candidates for RNA export mediators. Functional and structural analysis of nucleoporins has demonstrated the involvement of NPC components in the transport process. Finally, new concepts have emerged such as the integration of the mechanisms of the nuclear protein import and RNA export reactions and the assembly of the transport machinery at specialised domains of the NPC.

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??? FEBS Lett