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RNA 1995 May 01;13:273-83.
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Nuclear retention of RNA as a mechanism for localization.

Boelens WC , Palacios I , Mattaj IW .

Two mutant RNAs, one derived from tRNA(imet), the second from U1 snRNA, that are defective in export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm have been studied. In both cases, the RNAs are shown to be transport competent but prevented from leaving the nucleus by interaction with saturable binding sites. This contradicts previous hypotheses to explain the behavior of the tRNA mutant, and highlights a general problem in using mutant RNAs to study nuclear export. In the case of these mutants, it is argued that nuclear retention is likely to be artifactual. However, the additional example of U6 snRNA is described. In this case, nuclear retention appears to be a physiological mechanism by which intranuclear localization is achieved. Evidence that the site of interaction with the La protein in U6 snRNA is important for its nuclear retention is presented.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 7489499
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC1369080
??? RNA

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: mt-tr trna