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Summary Literature (3)
Literature for DOID 14686: Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome

Xenbase Articles :
( Denotes literature images)
Vestibular asymmetry as the cause of idiopathic scoliosis: a possible answer from Xenopus., Lambert FM,Malinvaud D,Glaunès J,Bergot C,Straka H,Vidal PP, J Neurosci. October 7, 2009; 29(40):1529-2401.
Lessons from the lily pad: Using Xenopus to understand heart disease., Bartlett HL,Weeks DL, Drug Discov Today Dis Models. January 1, 2008; 5(3):1740-6757.
Modeling human congenital disorders with neural crest developmental defects using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells., Okuno H,Okano H, Regen Ther. August 24, 2021; 18:2352-3204.