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Xenbase Image ID: 133008

Figure 3. Spatial distribution of the 38 kDa protein by immunocytochemistry. After whole-mount staining, embryos were embedded in paraplast and sectioned in A and B. Top, animal poles. Bl, blastocoele. (A) The 38 kDa protein is localized by 9D10 antibody preferentially in the superficial layer of the animal cap, the marginal zone and the vegetal yolk cell mass of the mid-blastula (stage 8), although a very small amount of the protein seems to be ubiquitously present throughout the cytoplasm of almost all cells. A similar localization of the protein was also observed in polyester wax sections of embryos at the same stage stained with the antibody, implying that the localization in the layer was not caused by poor penetration of the antibody. (B) Control rat IgM antibody detects no significant localization of proteins. (C) Whole-mount staining of a mid-tailbud stage embryo (stage 27). The localization of the 38 kDa protein is stained as dots on the epidermis when the embryo was reacted with the 9D10 antibody (bottom). Such a characteristic staining is not observed when control rat IgM antibody was used (top). (D) Phase contrast image of the epidermis on a transverse section of a mid-tailbud embryo (stage 28). Arrowheads indicate ciliated epidermal cells. (E) The same section as in D stained with the 9D10 antibody. The 38 kDa protein is localized in the apical region of ciliated epidermal cells. (F) Control rat IgM antibody detects no staining in the ciliated epidermal cells (white arrowheads) on a similar section. Bars, 10 μm in (A) and (B), 500 μm in (C), and 50 μm in (D) and (F).

Image published in: Tanaka TS and Ikenishi K (2002)

Copyright © 2002. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

eef1d.Sgastrula arrested mutantX. laevisSometime during NF stage 8 to NF stage 27epidermis
ciliated epidermal cell
eef1d.Sgastrula arrested mutantX. laevisThroughout NF stage 8marginal zone
animal hemisphere
vegetal yolk mass
animal cap
animal cap outer layer

Image source: Published

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