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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (1) Expression Attributions Wiki

Anatomy Term: hepato-pancreatic progenitor cell
XAO ID: 0004270
Synonyms: hepato-pancreatic progenitor cells
Definition: "Any of a field of cells in the posterior section of the foregut that will give rise to the liver bud and dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds."
Stage Range: NF stage 20 to NF stage 44
Marker Genes:
Develops From:
Anatomy Item Stage Range
endoderm NF stage 10 to NF stage 66
liver diverticulum NF stage 14 to NF stage 40
Develops Into:
Anatomy Item Stage Range
dorsal pancreatic bud NF stage 27 to NF stage 40
liver primordium NF stage 20 to NF stage 33 and 34
ventral pancreatic bud NF stage 27 to NF stage 45
Parent(s): endoderm, liver diverticulum


Parent(s): progenitor cell (is_a) foregut (part_of)


References: Ontology Lookup Service , XB ANATOMY ONTOLOGY