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Xenopus Resources and Emerging Technologies Meeting 2019

Xenopus Resources and Emerging Technologies Meeting (previously known as PI meeting)

Next Meeting: Friday October 11 until Monday October 14, 2019

Registration now open: click here.

The program organizers of this meeting will be Rachel Miller, Gregory Weber and Helen Willsey.

What is a PI Meeting?
Apart from the biennial International Xenopus conference there have been limited opportunities for Xenopus PI’s to interact and discuss community events over the years. To provide greater opportunities for community discussions in alternate years, the NXR has hosted short PI meetings in 2011, 2013, and 2015. Many participants felt that the PI meetings were very valuable and we are therefore continuing these meetings at the MBL on alternate years to the International Conference.

What is the goal of the PI Meeting?
The goal of the Xenopus Resources and Emerging Technologies Meeting is to provide an informal venue for discussions about new and upcoming technologies, establishing priorities for the community and allowing for more in depth discussions of individual research topics. We hope the meeting will enhance aspects relevant to the entire community and foster interactions among us. Strategic planning and advances in resources important to the community will be highlighted, especially now that the PAR has ended. In this year’s meeting we will emphasize genome editing and the status of the X. laevis genome among other topics. Specifically, we will begin discussions centered on the creation of 100-200 mutant lines at the NXR as Xenopus models for human disease and the most recent information about the genome.

What is the format?
There will be short research talks as well as discussion groups focused on topics related to the Xenopus community. The meeting will kick off with a BBQ as in previous years.

Who should attend?
The PI meeting is geared toward principal investigators and senior postdocs.

These meetings have become very interactive and exciting and I think this year’s meeting will be no different. I encourage all Xenopus PIs to try and attend.


If you have any questions, please contact us at


Tentative workshop:

Xenbasers with an Interest in GEO data processing and its utility

A room will be reserved for 20-30 people at the MBL from 1-5pm on October 11th.

A fee may be associated with attending the Xenbase workshop to cover the cost of renting MBL room.

Details to come...

Last Updated: 2019-08-19