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Xenopus Bioinformatics Workshop (MBL Course)

April 6-11th, 2023

Woods Hole, MA, USA

Dear Xenopus researchers,

I am pleased to announce that we are hosting the Xenopus Bioinformatics Workshop April 6-11 this year. We have an exciting lineup that will include single cell analysis as well. Please go to the following webpage for more details. You will find information there about pricing, schedule and registration.

I have tried to keep prices as low as possible. Registration closes March 17 and I hope enough people register so we can hold the workshop. If anyone has more questions do not hesitate to contact me




Marko Horb, NXR
Taejoon Kwon, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Leon Peshkin, Harvard

Last Updated: 2023-01-27