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hesx1xenopus eye 

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Experiment details for hesx1

The homeodomain factor Xanf represses expression of genes in the presumptive rostral forebrain that specify more caudal brain...

The homeodomain factor Xanf represses expression of genes in the presumptive rostral forebrain that specify more caudal brain regions.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hesx1.S laevis NF stage 28 eye

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  Fig. 2. Abnormal expression of the posterior and anterior forebrain markers is preserved in late tailbud-stage embryos (stages 26–28) microinjected with anti-Xanf MO. (A–E) Expression of Otx2, Pax6, Bf1, Nkx2.4 and Xanf in control embryos. (F) Expression of Nkx2.4 and Xanf in the same control embryo as revealed by double in situ hybridization with mixed probes to Nkx2.4 and Xanf mRNA. (A1 and B1) Expression of Otx2 (A1) and Pax6 (B1) in embryos microinjected with anti-Xanf MO demonstrates an anterior expansion that is especially pronounced in the case of Otx2. (C1 and D1) Expression of Bf1 (C1) and Nkx2.4 (D1) is inhibited in embryos microinjected with anti-Xanf MO. (E1) In contrast to Bf1 and Nkx2.4, Xanf appears to be overexpressed when its translation is inhibited by anti-Xanf MO. (F1) Anti-Xanf MO exerts an opposite effect on the expression of Nkx2.4 and Xanf. (A1′–F1′) Distribution of FLD tracer in embryos shown in panels A1–F1. All embryos are shown from the anterior, dorsal side up. Red dotted line indicates rostral margin of the neural tube as seen from the anterior. Abbreviations: cg—cement gland; p—pituitary; tel—telencephalon.