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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
wwtr1xenopus ventral 

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Experiment details for wwtr1

The transcriptional coactivators Yap and TAZ are expressed during early Xenopus development.

The transcriptional coactivators Yap and TAZ are expressed during early Xenopus development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
wwtr1 tropicalis NF stage 25 ventral
wwtr1 tropicalis NF stage 40 ventral

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  Fig. 6. Spatial expression pattern of xtTAZ during the early development of Xeno- pus tropicalis. (A-N) Spatial expression of xtTAZ was analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Late neurula stage in (A) dor- sal view and (B) anterior view, (C) early tailbud stage, (E) tailbud stage, (F) late tailbud stage, and (G) tadpole stage in lat- eral view. (D) Transverse section of (A). (H, J, K) Transverse section of (E). (I, M) Trans- verse section of (F). The line position is indicated in (E-G). (L) Higher magnification of (K). (N) Higher magnification of (M). The box position is indicated in (K,M). Scale bars, 50 m. Abbreviations: ba, branchial arch; fm, facial musculature; hb, hindbrain; ht, heart; hm, hypaxial myoblasts; mh, mid- brain-hindbrain boundary; nt, notochord; pm, paraxial mesoderm; ps, presomitic meso- derm; sc, spinal cord; so, somite.