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Cell 1985 May 01;411:177-90.
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Cell type-specific expression of nuclear lamina proteins during development of Xenopus laevis.

Benavente R , Krohne G , Franke WW .

The cell type-specific expression of the major nuclear lamina polypeptides ("lamins") during development of Xenopus was studied using two monoclonal antibodies (L(0)46F7: specific for LIII, the single lamin of oocytes; PKB8: specific for LI and LII of some somatic cells). In the oocyte, LIII localizes in the nuclear polymer, but upon nuclear envelope breakdown it is solubilized to a form sedimenting at 9 S. In early embryos, LIII contributes to nuclear lamina formation until its depletion. Correspondingly, LI and LII begin to be expressed at a specific point in embryogenesis and appear to be integrated with LIII into a common lamina structure. Later in development, LIII reappears as a prominent nuclear lamina protein but only in certain cells (neurons, muscle cells, and diplotene oocytes). We conclude that amphibian lamins represent a family of proteins expressed in relation to certain programs of cell differentiation.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 3888407
??? Cell

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: akt2 alb cat.1 krt12.4 lmnb3 rpsa
???displayArticle.antibodies??? Lmnb2/3 Ab5 Lmnb3 Ab4

???attribute.lit??? ???