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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (0) GO Terms (6) Nucleotides (692) Proteins (49) Interactants (55) Wiki

Gene Ontology
Category GO Terms Show all Annotations
Molecular Function
  1. structural constituent of ribosome
    1. Q28FP8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    2. F6U4F4 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    3. A0A1L8ETY8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.L)
    4. Q6PHL5 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.S)

Biological Process
  1. translation
    1. Q28FP8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    2. F6U4F4 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    3. A0A1L8ETY8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.L)
    4. Q6PHL5 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.S)

Cellular Component
  1. cytosolic large ribosomal subunit
    1. Q28FP8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    2. F6U4F4 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
  2. [+]
  3. ribonucleoprotein complex
    1. Q6PHL5 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.S)
  4. [+]
  5. ribosome
    1. A0A1L8ETY8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.L)
    2. Q6PHL5 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.S)
  6. [+]
  7. rough endoplasmic reticulum
    1. Q28FP8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    2. F6U4F4 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
    3. A0A1L8ETY8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.L)
    4. Q6PHL5 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.laevis.S)