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Experiment details for foxd3

FMR1/FXR1 and the miRNA pathway are required for eye and neural crest development.

FMR1/FXR1 and the miRNA pathway are required for eye and neural crest development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
foxd3.L laevis NF stage 17 neuroectoderm , neural crest , neural plate
foxd3.L laevis NF stage 23 brain , midbrain , hindbrain , neuroectoderm , cranial neural crest

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  Fig. 4. Dicer function on a molecular level. A. The injection of 20 ng Dicer MO1 had no effect on Rx1, Pax6 and Sox3 at stage 13 as well as FoxD3 and Slug at stage 17. B. At stage 23, loss of Dicer function by injecting Dicer MO1 and MO2 led to the reduction of eye marker gene expression (black arrows). Control MO injected embryos showed a normal expression pattern. A quantitative presentation is given. C. The migration of NC cells was disturbed upon Dicer MO1 and MO2 injection (black arrows). FoxD3 at stage 20 and Krox20 and Twist at stage 23 were reduced upon loss of Dicer function (black arrows). Control MO injected embryos served as control. A quantitative presentation is given. n = number of independent experiments; N = number of analyzed embryos.