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Experiment details for foxg1

Xhex-expressing endodermal tissues are essential for anterior patterning in Xenopus.

Xhex-expressing endodermal tissues are essential for anterior patterning in Xenopus.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
foxg1.L laevis NF stage 24 forebrain , lateral line placode , anterior

  Fig. 4. Xhex MO knockdown reduces anterior development similar to removing the SBE. Embryos are injected with the Xhex MO and DMZs are isolated and cultured to tadpole stages (A). Uninjected siblings (B) and control MO injected embryos (C) show a wild-type XBF1 expression pattern, while Xhex MOinjected embryos (D) exhibit an abnormal XBF1 expression pattern. Wild-type (E) and control MO-injected (F) DMZs develop normal anterior character with wild-type XBF1 expression (96% and 100%, respectively; 72 DMZs counted from three experiments). Xhex MO-injected DMZs do not develop recognizable anteroposterior axes and exhibit altered XBF1 expression (G and H, 55%; 72 DMZs counted from three experiments). When recognizable, anterior is to left in all panels.