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Experiment details for neurog2

Bao J et al. (2000) Assay

Regulation of neurogenesis by interactions between HEN1 and neuronal LMO proteins.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
neurog2.L laevis NF stage 10.5 marginal zone , dorsal marginal zone , involuting marginal zone , neural plate , dorsal involuting marginal zone
neurog2.L laevis NF stage 11.5 marginal zone , ventral marginal zone , ventro-lateral marginal zone , dorso-lateral marginal zone , dorsal marginal zone , [+]
neurog2.L laevis NF stage 12.5 neuroectoderm , neural plate

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  Fig. 3. Spatial and temporal expression of XHEN-1 and XLMO-3 during early neurogenesis. (A) Detection of XHEN1, XLMO-3 and X-NGNR-1 during early development by RPA. The probes as indicated on the left side were made by the Dig-RNA labeling kit. XLMO-3 and XHEN1 are expressed earlier than X-NGNR-1. (B-J) Stage 10. 5, 11. 5 and 12 Xenopus embryos were hybridized with probes for XHEN1, XLMO-3 and X-NGNR-1. Uncleared embryos are shown in a dorsal view, with anterior to the left. XLMO-3 and XHEN1 are expressed in the same location.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
neurog2.L laevis NF stage 14 brain , spinal cord , neuroectoderm , pre-chordal neural plate , chordal neural plate , [+]
neurog2.L laevis NF stage 25 brain , forebrain , midbrain , hindbrain , spinal cord , [+]

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  Fig. 4. Comparison of the expression patterns of XHEN1, XLMO-3, XNGNR- 1 and N-tubulin. (A-J) Stage 14, 25 and 35 Xenopus embryos were hybridized with probes for XLMO-3, XHEN1, X-NGNR-1 and N-tubulin. Embryos are shown in a dorsal (stage 14), dorsal-lateral (stage 25) or lateral (stage 35) view, with anterior to the left. At stage 14, XLMO-3 and XHEN1 are expressed only in two domains which will become interneurons (I) and motoneurons (M) of spinal cord, while X-NGNR-1 and N-tubulin are expressed also in the domains which will form sensory neurons (S) besides of these two medial domains. At stage 25, the expression patterns for all four probes are very similar. At stage 35, XHEN1 is only expressed in the brain region. (K,L) Transverse sections of Xenopus embryos hybridized with probes for XHEN1 and XLMO-3 at stage 20. In the neural tube, both of XHEN1 and XLMO-3 are located in the ventral part of spinal cord which is formed by interneurons and motoneurons.