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Experiment details for pnhd

Pax3 and Zic1 trigger the early neural crest gene regulatory network by the direct activation of multiple key neural crest s...

Pax3 and Zic1 trigger the early neural crest gene regulatory network by the direct activation of multiple key neural crest specifiers.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
pnhd.L laevis NF stage 14 neural crest , neural plate , neural plate border
pnhd.L laevis NF stage 17 neural crest , neural plate border

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  Fig. 2. Developmental expression of a sample of novel genes belonging to the neural border/crest signature Pax3 and snail2 serve as markers for the lateral neural border and the premigratory neural crest respectively. Novel markers, identified in the neural border/neural crest signature, are shown at the most significant stages. (A-M,O-T) Dorsal views, with anterior to the bottom and posterior to the top. (N) Side view.