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Experiment details for sox17b.1

Collavin L and Kirschner MW (2003) Assay

The secreted Frizzled-related protein Sizzled functions as a negative feedback regulator of extreme ventral mesoderm.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
sox17b.1.S laevis NF stage 11 ventral marginal zone , lower blastopore lip

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  Fig. 5. Patterns of gene expression in szl morphants and Szl-overexpressing embryos. (A) In situ hybridization analysis of marker genes in embryos injected with 20 ng of MOSZL. (a,b) Expression of Xbra at stage 10.5; vegetal view. (c,d) Expression of Chordin (blue), and Sox17β (magenta) at stage 11. Vegetal view, dorsal is upwards. (e,f) Expression of Vent2/Xom at stage 12. Vegetal/posterior view, dorsal is upwards. (g,h) Expression of Xenopus posterior (Xpo) at stage 10.5. Vegetal view, dorsal is upwards. (i,j) Double in situ hybridization for xMyoD (blue) and szl (magenta) at stage 11. Vegetal view, dorsal is upwards. (k,l) Expression of xMyoD (blue) and szl (magenta) at stage 18. In each panel, the embryo on the left is seen from the top, with anterior towards the left; the embryo on the right is seen form the posterior side, with dorsal upwards. (m,n) Szl expression at stage 24. Embryos are seen from the ventral side, with anterior upwards. (B) RT-PCR analysis of szl expression in embryos injected with 20 ng of the morpholino oligo MOSZL, or increasing amounts of wSzl RNA. Endogenous szl was selectively amplified with primers that do not recognize the injected wSzl RNA. EF1α served as an internal control for RNA levels. (C) In situ hybridization of lateral mesoderm markers in embryos injected with 20 ng of MOSZL. (a) Expression of Xlim-1 at stage 20 in lateral (top) and dorsal view (bottom). Arrowheads indicate the point where expression is shifted dorsally in szl morphants. (b-d) Expression of Flk-1 at stage 26 in lateral view and corresponding transverse section. Arrowheads indicate the presumptive vitelline (yellow) and cardinal (black) veins.