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enc1xenopus infraorbital lateral line 

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Experiment details for enc1

A family of Xenopus BTB-Kelch repeat proteins related to ENC-1: new markers for early events in floorplate and placode develo...

A family of Xenopus BTB-Kelch repeat proteins related to ENC-1: new markers for early events in floorplate and placode development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
enc1.L laevis NF stage 24 to NF stage 32 infraorbital lateral line

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  Fig. 4. Later expression of Xencr-1, Xencr-2, and Xencr-3. (A–F) Lateral view, anterior to the left. (A) Xencr-1, st. 24 (B) Xencr-1, st. 32. (C) Xencr-2, st. 24. (D) Xencr-2, st. 32. (E) Xencr-3, st. 24. (F) Xencr-3, st. 32. (A–B) Xencr-1 shows expression in the dorsal neural tube, optic vesicle, migrating branchial arch neural crest cells (red arrowhead), pronephric anlage (red arrow), and faint staining in the liver. (C–D) Xencr-2 shows expression in the neural tube, cement gland, optic vesicle, otic vesicle, branchial arches, somites, and faint staining in the lateral line placodes. (E–F) Xencr-3 shows continued expression in the dorsal neural tube, lens placode, otic vesicle, lateral lines, branchial arch and hyoid neural crest streams, somites, and dorsal fin. A transient expression in the lateral plate (black arrow) is seen during early tailbud stages but is downregulated by st. 32.