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igf2bp3xenopus epidermis inner layer [+] 

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Experiment details for igf2bp3

The RNA-binding protein Vg1 RBP is required for cell migration during early neural development.

The RNA-binding protein Vg1 RBP is required for cell migration during early neural development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
igf2bp3.L laevis NF stage 17 epidermis inner layer
igf2bp3.L laevis NF stage 28 epidermis inner layer

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  Fig. 1. Vg1 RBP mRNA distribution in embryos. Digoxygenin-labeled probes were used to perform in situ hybridization on embryos or sections at different developmental stages. Embryos subjected to whole-mount in situ hybridization (A,A′,B,B′) were embedded in paraffin wax, and transverse sections were analyzed for Vg1 RBP mRNA expression. (A,A′) Vg1 RBP transcripts are detected throughout the neural plate in stage 17 embryos, including the lateral deep (d) layer that contains the prospective neural crest cells and the superficial (s) layer, containing the prospective roof plate cells. In addition, the sensorial layer of the epidermal ectoderm is clearly positive for Vg1 RBP (open arrowheads). (B,B′) A mid-trunk section of a stage 21 embryo shows that Vg1 RBP mRNA is uniformly expressed throughout the closed neural tube. The sensorial layer of the ectoderm remains strongly labeled (open arrowheads). (C,D) Comparison of Vg1 RBP and Xtwist expression on adjacent sections of a tailbud stage embryo at the cranial levels. (C) Vg1 RBP transcripts are detected in the roof plate and throughout the neural tube. In addition, the otic vesicles (ov) and branchial arches (ba) are clearly positive for Vg1 RBP. (D) A similar pattern of expression is observed in sections probed for Xtwist RNA. no, notochord.