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metxenopus epidermis inner layer [+] 

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Experiment details for met

Muscle formation in regenerating Xenopus froglet limb.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
met.L laevis NF stage 52 epidermis inner layer

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  Figure 2. Myogenic marker gene expressions in the regenerating blastema. A-F: Sections of the froglet blastema that developed for 14 days after amputation. G-L: Sections of the tadpole blastema at 5 days after amputation. A,G: Sox9 transcripts were found in the middle of the blastema. B,H: Slight myoD expression was observed only in the stump region (H) and not within the froglet blastema (B). MyoD is expressed both in the tadpole blastema and stump region (H). C,D,I,J: Faint expressions of hgf (C)and c-met (D) were detectable in the froglet blastema, and in the tadpole blastema, significant signals for both hgf (I) and c-met (J) were detected. E,F,K,L: Immunostainings for myosin heavy chain (MyHC) and Pax7 proteins. E,K: Pax7-positive cells were scattered in the proximal stump region (E,K), and the froglet blastema was Pax7-negative (E), although Pax7-positive cells were detected also in the tadpole blastema (K). F,L: Anti-MyHC immunoreactivity was located only in the stump region. Scale bars = 400 mu m n A (applies to A-F), in G (applies to G-L).