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nodal1xenopus ciliated cell 

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Experiment details for nodal1

The left-right axis is regulated by the interplay of Coco, Xnr1 and derrière in Xenopus embryos.

The left-right axis is regulated by the interplay of Coco, Xnr1 and derrière in Xenopus embryos.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
nodal1.L laevis NF stage 16 ciliated cell

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  Fig. 1. Coco, Xnr1 and derrie are coexpressed in previous termXenopusnext term neurula. In situ hybridization for Coco (A, F, G, H1), Xnr1 (D, E, H2), and derrie (I, J). Panels A, D, I are inner views of posterior fragments, dorsal side up, dissected as shown in the drawing on upper left (dorsal view, anterior is up); B, C, E are cleared whole embryos, dorsal views, posterior side down; J is a cleared embryo, lateral view, anterior to the left; F is a paraxial longitudinal section of a whole-mount in situ stained embryo, G2 are in situ hybridizations of horizontal paraffin sections. Panels H1 and H2 are consecutive sections (15 μm thick), and H3 is an overlap of H1 and 2, with false color for Coco (green) and Xnr1 (red), and the overlap (yellow). Horizontal lines in H1 and H2 indicate the lateral borders of the notochord. The lower arrowhead in panel J shows the most posterior segment of derrie expression. Scale bars panels in A and B represent 0.2 mm.