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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
npyxenopus neural nucleus 

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Experiment details for npy

Kramer BM et al. (2001) Assay

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
npy.L laevis NF stage 66 suprachiasmatic nucleus

  Fig. 3. NPY-immunoreactive neurons in (A) the ventrolateral (VL) and dorsomedial (DM) and (B) the caudal group of the SC. Arrows indicate axons projecting from cells in the dorsomedial group toward the ventrolateral group. C: Detail of cell in the ventrolateral group. Asterisks indicate NPY-positive varicosities in close contact with the cell. Scale bars 5 15 mm in A and B; 6.5 mm in C.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
npy.L laevis NF stage 66 suprachiasmatic nucleus

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  Fig. 7. Immunofluorescence of NPY (A,C,E) and in situ hybridization of DOC2-mRNA (B,D,F) in the dorsomedial (A,B), ventrolateral (C,D), and caudal (E,F) cell groups of the SC. Asterisks indicate coexistence of DOC2-mRNA and NPY peptide in the same neuron. Arrows indicate neurons positive for NPY but negative for DOC2- mRNA. Note that many neurons are positive for DOC2-mRNA but negative for NPY. Scale bar 5 13 mm.