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pcbd1xenopus blastomere [+] 

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Experiment details for pcbd1

Developmental expression of the maternal protein XDCoH, the dimerization cofactor of the homeoprotein LFB1 (HNF1).

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
pcbd1.L laevis NF stage 3 (4-cell) to NF stage 6.5 blastomere
pcbd1.L laevis NF stage 8 to NF stage 9 animal blastomere , vegetal blastomere , blastomere

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  Fig. 7. Localization of XDCoH in the Xenopus embryo. Whole-mount staining of different development stages was performed using an affinity-purified polyclonal XDCoH specific antiserum as the rst antibody and an enzyme linked secondary antibody. (A) The upper 4-cell stage embryo is a control for antibody specifity and was incubated with the XDCoH-specific antiserum that was depleted using recombinant XDCoH protein. (B,C) A lateral and animal view of a 48-cell stage embryo (stage 6.5), respectively. (D,E) Blastulae at stage 8 and 9, respectively, and (F) a gastrula (stage 11). (G,H) XDCoH-specific stained organs are the pronephros (p), eye vesicle (e), gut and liver (g, l) and the pigmented epithelium (pe).