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crhxenopus neuron 

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Experiment details for crh

Evidence that urocortin I acts as a neurohormone to stimulate alpha MSH release in the toad Xenopus laevis.

Evidence that urocortin I acts as a neurohormone to stimulate alpha MSH release in the toad Xenopus laevis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
crh.L laevis adult frog stage neuron

  Fig. 2. Transverse sections at levels a–j (see Fig. 1) of the brain and pituitary gland of X. laevis, showing CRF-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers. (a) Mitral cell layer. (b) Post-olfactory eminence. (c) Nucleus accumbens, with varicose fiber (inset). (d) Amygdala pars lateralis. (e) Suprachiasmatic nucleus, with arrowhead indicating dendrite contacting the CSF. ep, Ependymal cell layer. (f) Nucleus of the paraventricular organ, with dendrites contacting CSF (arrowheads). (g) Medial part of magnocellular nucleus. (h) Fiber tract running from the magnocellular nucleus to the median eminence. (i) Median eminence, with internal (i) and external (e) zone. (j) Neural lobe (N) and distal lobe (D) of the pituitary gland, with arrowheads indicating neurohemal axons. Scale bar a–f, i = 20 μm, g, h, j = 50 μm.