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tlx1xenopus posterior 

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Experiment details for tlx1

Hox11-family genes XHox11 and XHox11L2 in xenopus: XHox11L2 expression is restricted to a subset of the primary sensory neurons.

Hox11-family genes XHox11 and XHox11L2 in xenopus: XHox11L2 expression is restricted to a subset of the primary sensory neurons.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
tlx1.L laevis NF stage 37 and 38 posterior

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  Fig. 4. Expression of XHox11 and XHox11L2 in the cranial sensory ganglia. A are cross-sections of XHox11 stained embryos, while G are stained for XHox11L2. A are sections of the same stage 30 embryo between the eye and otic vesicle (A), at the anterior of the otic vesicle (B), at the middle of the otic vesicle (C), and posterior of the otic vesicle (D). A: XHox11 transcripts are detected in the developing VII/VIII nerve ganglia. B: The region of staining medial to the otic vesicle is continuous with that in A and will become the acoustic ganglia of the VIII nerve. C: Another region of XHox11 expression ventral to the otic vesicle corresponds to the IX ganglia. D: Expression in the primitive vagus (X) ganglion forming mass. E: Expression of XHox11 in the cranial nerves of a stage 37 embryo is restricted to the anterior and posterior acoustic ganglia (E) and the proximal portion of the vagus ganglia (F). G are sections of the same stage 30 embryo at the posterior of the eye (G), anterior of the otic vesicle (H), through the otic vesicle (I), and posterior of the otic vesicle (J). G: XHox11L2 expression is detected in the opthalmic ganglion of the trigeminal (V) nerve. Other portions of the trigeminal nerve are not seen in this section but also express XHox11L2. H: XHox11L2 is detected in the developing VII ganglia. I: The staining ventral to the otic vesicle is continuous with the ventral staining seen in H, and corresponds to the IX ganglion. J: XHox11L2 transcripts are detected in the forming vagus (X) ganglia. K,L: By stage 37, XHox11L2 is restricted to the dorsolateral VII above the otic vesicle (K), visceralis IX ventral to the otic vesicle (K), and the distal portion of the X (L). aa, anterior acoustic; dl, dorsolateral VII; dv, distal vagus; pa, posterior acoustic; pv, proximal vagus; vis, visceralis IX.