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zfp36xenopus ventral 

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Experiment details for zfp36

Noiret M et al. (2014) Assay

zfp36 expression delineates both myeloid cells and cells localized to the fusing neural folds in Xenopus tropicalis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
zfp36 image:8911341 tropicalis NF stage 14 ventral

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  Fig. 3. Spatio-temporal expression of zfp36 mRNAs in X. tropicalis embryos. (A) RT-QPCR on total mRNA for the indicated stages of development for mpo and zfp36 mRNAs. Data are normalized to odc mRNAs. (B) Stage 14 to stage 24 X. tropicalis embryos are stained for zfp36 mRNAs and pictured form dorsal, ventral or frontal views. zfp36 mRNA is localized in the aVBI from stage 14 and along the neural fold starting from stage 19. (C) Stage 32 X. tropicalis embryos are stained for zfp36 mRNA with a sense or antisense probe as indicated. The dense ventral staining is indicated by an arrowhead.