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Neuron 1993 May 01;105:943-54. doi: 10.1016/0896-6273(93)90209-a.
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Zinc potentiates agonist-induced currents at certain splice variants of the NMDA receptor.

Hollmann M , Boulter J , Maron C , Beasley L , Sullivan J , Pecht G , Heinemann S .

We have determined the gene structure for the NMDA receptor subunit gene NMDAR1. We found eight splice variants that arise from different combinations of a single 5' terminal exon insertion and three different 3' terminal exon deletions, relative to NMDAR1. We analyzed the modulation by Zn2+ of currents through homomeric receptors assembled from these splice variants and found that, in addition to its well-known inhibitory effect at high concentrations, Zn2+ potentiates agonist-induced currents at submicromolar concentrations (EC50 = 0.50 microM). This potentiation is observed only with a subset of NMDAR1 splice variants that show additional differences in pharmacological properties. Zn2+ potentiation is rapidly reversible, noncompetitive with either glutamate or glycine, and voltage independent. Zn2+ potentiation is mimicked by Cd2+, Cu2+, and Ni2+, but not by Mn2+, Co2+, Fe3+, Sn2+, or Hg2+. Our results suggest a possible role for Zn2+ as a positive modulator of NMDA receptors in certain regions of the brain.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 7684237
??? Neuron
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Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: grin1