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Nat Cell Biol 2001 Mar 01;33:228-34. doi: 10.1038/35060009.
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Ran-GTP coordinates regulation of microtubule nucleation and dynamics during mitotic-spindle assembly.

Carazo-Salas RE , Gruss OJ , Mattaj IW , Karsenti E .

It was recently reported that GTP-bound Ran induces microtubule and pseudo-spindle assembly in mitotic egg extracts in the absence of chromosomes and centrosomes, and that chromosomes induce the assembly of spindle microtubules in these extracts through generation of Ran-GTP. Here we examine the effects of Ran-GTP on microtubule nucleation and dynamics and show that Ran-GTP has independent effects on both the nucleation activity of centrosomes and the stability of centrosomal microtubules. We also show that inhibition of Ran-GTP production, even in the presence of duplicated centrosomes and kinetochores, prevents assembly of a bipolar spindle in M-phase extracts.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 11231571
??? Nat Cell Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ran