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Xine volume 3 supplement
Xine volume 3, supplement 2

Dear Colleagues,

This is one of an occasional series of supplements to the regular edition of Xine. As you may
know, Ken Cho at the University of California, Irvine has been producing Xenopus laevis
microarrays on a small-scale basis for the past year or so. These chips have been extremely
valuable to Ken and his collaborators, however, the supply has been limited by available
resources. To address this issue and provide an adequate supply of chips for the entire Xenopus
community, Ken is proposing to establish a microarray center. A critical factor determining
whether such center grants get funded is support from the community of prospective users of the
resource. If you support the establishment of this center and believe that Xenopus laevis and
tropicalis microarrays would aid your research, please send Ken a letter of support. Ken's letter
is attached below.

Dear Colleagues,

I am putting together a Xenopus DNA microarray center grant proposal. Our goal is to produce
cheap, but high quality microarray chips for the Xenopus community.  Currently, our DNA
microarray chips have 42,240 cDNAs representing ~11-14,000 unigenes.  Once this center is
funded, we plan to generate a unigene 14K set and  distribute to people who are interested in
using this service.  Additionally, we plan to produce X. tropicalis chips.  As this will be a
community based-effort, I would like to solicit supporting letters/emails (can be brief) from the
members of the community so that the letters can be included in the grant application.      Please
send your letters to or to the address listed below  The deadline is July 20.

Thanks for your help!
Ken Cho

Developmental and Cell Biology
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-2300
office    (949) 824-4067
lab       (949) 824-7950
fax       (949) 824-9395 or 4709

Subscription information

I have constructed the Xine mailing list from serveral sources. As always, if you are not on the
list and wish to be, want to update your e-mail address or would rather not receive it at all, please
contact Bruce Blumberg.

Until next time.