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Summary Stage Literature (598) Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with NF stage 11

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The Xenopus homologue of Down syndrome critical region protein 6 drives dorsoanterior gene expression and embryonic axis formation by antagonising polycomb group proteins., Li HY, Grifone R, Saquet A, Carron C, Shi DL., Development. December 1, 2013; 140 (24): 4903-13.                                

Role of Sp5 as an essential early regulator of neural crest specification in xenopus., Park DS, Seo JH, Hong M, Bang W, Han JK, Choi SC., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2013; 242 (12): 1382-94.                

Aven is dynamically regulated during Xenopus oocyte maturation and is required for oocyte survival., O'Shea L, Fair T, Hensey C., Cell Death Dis. November 7, 2013; 4 e908.        

The distribution of Dishevelled in convergently extending mesoderm., Panousopoulou E, Tyson RA, Bretschneider T, Green JB., Dev Biol. October 15, 2013; 382 (2): 496-503.            

NumbL is essential for Xenopus primary neurogenesis., Nieber F, Hedderich M, Jahn O, Pieler T, Henningfeld KA., BMC Dev Biol. October 14, 2013; 13 36.                          

Cell segregation, mixing, and tissue pattern in the spinal cord of the Xenopus laevis neurula., Edlund AF, Davidson LA, Keller RE., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2013; 242 (10): 1134-46.  

In vivo T-box transcription factor profiling reveals joint regulation of embryonic neuromesodermal bipotency., Gentsch GE, Owens ND, Martin SR, Piccinelli P, Faial T, Trotter MW, Gilchrist MJ, Smith JC., Cell Rep. September 26, 2013; 4 (6): 1185-96.                              

The Nedd4-binding protein 3 (N4BP3) is crucial for axonal and dendritic branching in developing neurons., Schmeisser MJ, Kühl SJ, Schoen M, Beth NH, Weis TM, Grabrucker AM, Kühl M, Boeckers TM., Neural Dev. September 17, 2013; 8 18.                    

MRAS GTPase is a novel stemness marker that impacts mouse embryonic stem cell plasticity and Xenopus embryonic cell fate., Mathieu ME, Faucheux C, Saucourt C, Soulet F, Gauthereau X, Fédou S, Trouillas M, Thézé N, Thiébaud P, Boeuf H., Development. August 1, 2013; 140 (16): 3311-22.              

ERF and ETV3L are retinoic acid-inducible repressors required for primary neurogenesis., Janesick A, Abbey R, Chung C, Liu S, Taketani M, Blumberg B., Development. August 1, 2013; 140 (15): 3095-106.                                                              

The Xenopus Tgfbi is required for embryogenesis through regulation of canonical Wnt signalling., Wang F, Hu W, Xian J, Ohnuma S, Brenton JD., Dev Biol. July 1, 2013; 379 (1): 16-27.                            

Role of the Rap2/TNIK kinase pathway in regulation of LRP6 stability for Wnt signaling., Park DS, Seo JH, Hong M, Choi SC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 28, 2013; 436 (2): 338-43.        

Scaling of dorsal-ventral patterning by embryo size-dependent degradation of Spemann's organizer signals., Inomata H, Shibata T, Haraguchi T, Sasai Y., Cell. June 6, 2013; 153 (6): 1296-311.                      

Expression of Ski can act as a negative feedback mechanism on retinoic acid signaling., Melling MA, Friendship CR, Shepherd TG, Drysdale TA., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2013; 242 (6): 604-13.                      

Different thresholds of Wnt-Frizzled 7 signaling coordinate proliferation, morphogenesis and fate of endoderm progenitor cells., Zhang Z, Rankin SA, Zorn AM., Dev Biol. June 1, 2013; 378 (1): 1-12.                              

Retinoic acid-activated Ndrg1a represses Wnt/β-catenin signaling to allow Xenopus pancreas, oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum specification., Zhang T, Guo X, Chen Y., PLoS One. May 15, 2013; 8 (5): e65058.                  

BMP signal attenuates FGF pathway in anteroposterior neural patterning., Cho GS, Choi SC, Han JK., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 10, 2013; 434 (3): 509-15.        

Lin28 proteins are required for germ layer specification in Xenopus., Faas L, Warrander FC, Maguire R, Ramsbottom SA, Quinn D, Genever P, Isaacs HV., Development. March 1, 2013; 140 (5): 976-86.                      

The Smurf ubiquitin ligases regulate tissue separation via antagonistic interactions with ephrinB1., Hwang YS, Lee HS, Kamata T, Mood K, Cho HJ, Winterbottom E, Ji YJ, Singh A, Daar IO., Genes Dev. March 1, 2013; 27 (5): 491-503.                        

Optimal histone H3 to linker histone H1 chromatin ratio is vital for mesodermal competence in Xenopus., Lim CY, Reversade B, Knowles BB, Solter D., Development. February 1, 2013; 140 (4): 853-60.                                              

Expression of the tetraspanin family members Tspan3, Tspan4, Tspan5 and Tspan7 during Xenopus laevis embryonic development., Kashef J, Diana T, Oelgeschläger M, Nazarenko I., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2013; 13 (1-2): 1-11.                    

An intact brachyury function is necessary to prevent spurious axial development in Xenopus laevis., Aguirre CE, Murgan S, Carrasco AE, López SL., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (1): e54777.                                      

Expression of xSDF-1α, xCXCR4, and xCXCR7 during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis., Mishra SK, Nagata T, Furusawa K, Sasaki A, Fukui A., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2013; 57 (1): 95-100.                

AP-1(c-Jun/FosB) mediates xFoxD5b expression in Xenopus early developmental neurogenesis., Yoon J, Kim JH, Lee OJ, Lee SY, Lee SH, Park JB, Lee JY, Kim SC, Kim J., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2013; 57 (11-12): 865-72.        

Essential role of AWP1 in neural crest specification in Xenopus., Seo JH, Park DS, Hong M, Chang EJ, Choi SC., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2013; 57 (11-12): 829-36.                  

Early transcriptional targets of MyoD link myogenesis and somitogenesis., Maguire RJ, Isaacs HV, Pownall ME., Dev Biol. November 15, 2012; 371 (2): 256-68.                                                    

Current perspectives of the signaling pathways directing neural crest induction., Stuhlmiller TJ, García-Castro MI., Cell Mol Life Sci. November 1, 2012; 69 (22): 3715-37.          

Klf4 is required for germ-layer differentiation and body axis patterning during Xenopus embryogenesis., Cao Q, Zhang X, Lu L, Yang L, Gao J, Gao Y, Ma H, Cao Y., Development. November 1, 2012; 139 (21): 3950-61.                  

Conservation and evolutionary divergence in the activity of receptor-regulated smads., Sorrentino GM, Gillis WQ, Oomen-Hajagos J, Thomsen GH., Evodevo. October 1, 2012; 3 (1): 22.              

Self-regulation of the head-inducing properties of the Spemann organizer., Inui M, Montagner M, Ben-Zvi D, Martello G, Soligo S, Manfrin A, Aragona M, Enzo E, Zacchigna L, Zanconato F, Azzolin L, Dupont S, Cordenonsi M, Piccolo S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 18, 2012; 109 (38): 15354-9.                            

Gastrulation and pre-gastrulation morphogenesis, inductions, and gene expression: similarities and dissimilarities between urodelean and anuran embryos., Kaneda T, Motoki JY., Dev Biol. September 1, 2012; 369 (1): 1-18.          

Rab11 regulates planar polarity and migratory behavior of multiciliated cells in Xenopus embryonic epidermis., Kim K, Lake BB, Haremaki T, Weinstein DC, Sokol SY., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2012; 241 (9): 1385-95.            

Ciliary and non-ciliary expression and function of PACRG during vertebrate development., Thumberger T, Hagenlocher C, Tisler M, Beyer T, Tietze N, Schweickert A, Feistel K, Blum M., Cilia. August 1, 2012; 1 (1): 13.                        

A developmental requirement for HIRA-dependent H3.3 deposition revealed at gastrulation in Xenopus., Szenker E, Lacoste N, Almouzni G., Cell Rep. June 28, 2012; 1 (6): 730-40.                                      

Tiki1 is required for head formation via Wnt cleavage-oxidation and inactivation., Zhang X, Abreu JG, Yokota C, MacDonald BT, Singh S, Coburn KL, Cheong SM, Zhang MM, Ye QZ, Hang HC, Steen H, He X., Cell. June 22, 2012; 149 (7): 1565-77.                      

fus/TLS orchestrates splicing of developmental regulators during gastrulation., Dichmann DS, Harland RM., Genes Dev. June 15, 2012; 26 (12): 1351-63.                        

Homeoprotein hhex-induced conversion of intestinal to ventral pancreatic precursors results in the formation of giant pancreata in Xenopus embryos., Zhao H, Han D, Dawid IB, Pieler T, Chen Y, Chen Y., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 29, 2012; 109 (22): 8594-9.                              

Dgp71WD is required for the assembly of the acentrosomal Meiosis I spindle, and is not a general targeting factor for the γ-TuRC., Reschen RF, Colombie N, Wheatley L, Dobbelaere J, St Johnston D, Ohkura H, Raff JW., Biol Open. May 15, 2012; 1 (5): 422-9.          

Early neural crest induction requires an initial inhibition of Wnt signals., Steventon B, Mayor R., Dev Biol. May 1, 2012; 365 (1): 196-207.              

Indian hedgehog signaling is required for proper formation, maintenance and migration of Xenopus neural crest., Agüero TH, Fernández JP, López GA, Tríbulo C, Aybar MJ., Dev Biol. April 15, 2012; 364 (2): 99-113.                    

Xenopus Nanos1 is required to prevent endoderm gene expression and apoptosis in primordial germ cells., Lai F, Singh A, King ML., Development. April 1, 2012; 139 (8): 1476-86.                

sizzled function and secreted factor network dynamics., Shi J, Zhang H, Dowell RD, Klymkowsky MW., Biol Open. March 15, 2012; 1 (3): 286-94.            

The signaling protein CD38 is essential for early embryonic development., Churamani D, Geach TJ, Ramakrishnan L, Prideaux N, Patel S, Dale L., J Biol Chem. March 2, 2012; 287 (10): 6974-8.        

Histology of plastic embedded amphibian embryos and larvae., Kurth T, Weiche S, Vorkel D, Kretschmar S, Menge A., Genesis. March 1, 2012; 50 (3): 235-50.                                

Xenopus Zic3 controls notochord and organizer development through suppression of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway., Fujimi TJ, Hatayama M, Aruga J., Dev Biol. January 15, 2012; 361 (2): 220-31.                          

Multicilin promotes centriole assembly and ciliogenesis during multiciliate cell differentiation., Stubbs JL, Vladar EK, Axelrod JD, Kintner C., Nat Cell Biol. January 8, 2012; 14 (2): 140-7.            

Heat-shock mediated overexpression of HNF1β mutations has differential effects on gene expression in the Xenopus pronephric kidney., Sauert K, Kahnert S, Roose M, Gull M, Brändli AW, Ryffel GU, Waldner C., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (3): e33522.                  

Identification and characterization of Xenopus kctd15, an ectodermal gene repressed by the FGF pathway., Takahashi C, Suzuki T, Nishida E, Kusakabe M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2012; 56 (5): 393-402.                  

KDEL tagging: a method for generating dominant-negative inhibitors of the secretion of TGF-beta superfamily proteins., Matsukawa S, Moriyama Y, Hayata T, Sasaki H, Ito Y, Asashima M, Kuroda H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2012; 56 (5): 351-6.        

Agonistic and antagonistic roles for TNIK and MINK in non-canonical and canonical Wnt signalling., Mikryukov A, Moss T., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e43330.                

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