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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (14627) Expression Attributions Wiki

Papers associated with central nervous system (and eef1a2)

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Xenopus laevis il11ra.L is an experimentally proven interleukin-11 receptor component that is required for tadpole tail regeneration., Suzuki S., Sci Rep. February 3, 2022; 12 (1): 1903.                      

Light-regulated voltage-gated potassium channels for acute interrogation of channel function in neurons and behavior., Jerng HH., PLoS One. March 3, 2021; 16 (3): e0248688.                  

Jmjd6a regulates GSK3β RNA splicing in Xenopus laevis eye development., Shin JY., PLoS One. July 30, 2019; 14 (7): e0219800.                      

Fam46a regulates BMP-dependent pre-placodal ectoderm differentiation in Xenopus., Watanabe T., Development. October 26, 2018; 145 (20):                                     

Dkk2 promotes neural crest specification by activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling in a GSK3β independent manner., Devotta A., Elife. July 23, 2018; 7                             

Dicer inactivation stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis., Zhang M., Wound Repair Regen. January 1, 2018; 26 (1): 46-53.          

interleukin-11 induces and maintains progenitors of different cell lineages during Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration., Tsujioka H., Nat Commun. September 8, 2017; 8 (1): 495.                                

Human amniotic fluid contaminants alter thyroid hormone signalling and early brain development in Xenopus embryos., Fini JB., Sci Rep. March 7, 2017; 7 43786.        

FoxD1 protein interacts with Wnt and BMP signaling to differentially pattern mesoderm and neural tissue., Polevoy H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2017; 61 (3-4-5): 293-302.              

Noggin4 is a long-range inhibitor of Wnt8 signalling that regulates head development in Xenopus laevis., Eroshkin FM., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 23049.                                                            

Rdh10a Provides a Conserved Critical Step in the Synthesis of Retinoic Acid during Zebrafish Embryogenesis., D'Aniello E., PLoS One. September 1, 2015; 10 (9): e0138588.                  

Nkx2.5 is involved in myeloid cell differentiation at anterior ventral blood islands in the Xenopus embryo., Sakata H., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2014; 56 (8): 544-54.              

Transcription factor AP2 epsilon (Tfap2e) regulates neural crest specification in Xenopus., Hong CS., Dev Neurobiol. September 1, 2014; 74 (9): 894-906.                    

Congenital heart disease protein 5 associates with CASZ1 to maintain myocardial tissue integrity., Sojka S., Development. August 1, 2014; 141 (15): 3040-9.                

Pax3 and Zic1 drive induction and differentiation of multipotent, migratory, and functional neural crest in Xenopus embryos., Milet C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 2, 2013; 110 (14): 5528-33.                      

DEADSouth protein localizes to germ plasm and is required for the development of primordial germ cells in Xenopus laevis., Yamaguchi T., Biol Open. February 15, 2013; 2 (2): 191-9.                    

Kcnh1 voltage-gated potassium channels are essential for early zebrafish development., Stengel R., J Biol Chem. October 12, 2012; 287 (42): 35565-35575.            

Self-regulation of the head-inducing properties of the Spemann organizer., Inui M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 18, 2012; 109 (38): 15354-9.                            

Evolutionary importance of translation elongation factor eEF1A variant switching: eEF1A1 down-regulation in muscle is conserved in Xenopus but is controlled at a post-transcriptional level., Newbery HJ., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 22, 2011; 411 (1): 19-24.      

Focal adhesion kinase protein regulates Wnt3a gene expression to control cell fate specification in the developing neural plate., Fonar Y., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 2011; 22 (13): 2409-21.                  

The response of early neural genes to FGF signaling or inhibition of BMP indicate the absence of a conserved neural induction module., Rogers CD., BMC Dev Biol. January 26, 2011; 11 74.        

Regulation of TCF3 by Wnt-dependent phosphorylation during vertebrate axis specification., Hikasa H., Dev Cell. October 19, 2010; 19 (4): 521-32.        

beta-Catenin primes organizer gene expression by recruiting a histone H3 arginine 8 methyltransferase, Prmt2., Blythe SA., Dev Cell. August 17, 2010; 19 (2): 220-31.      

Expression characteristics of dual-promoter lentiviral vectors targeting retinal photoreceptors and Müller cells., Semple-Rowland SL., Mol Vis. May 27, 2010; 16 916-34.                  

Molecular characterization and expression analysis of five different elongation factor 1 alpha genes in the flatfish Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup): differential gene expression and thyroid hormones dependence during metamorphosis., Infante C., BMC Mol Biol. January 30, 2008; 9 19.              

Reduction of XNkx2-10 expression leads to anterior defects and malformation of the embryonic heart., Allen BG., Mech Dev. October 1, 2006; 123 (10): 719-29.          

Cold-inducible RNA binding protein is required for the expression of adhesion molecules and embryonic cell movement in Xenopus laevis., Peng Y., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 26, 2006; 344 (1): 416-24.        

Noelins modulate the timing of neuronal differentiation during development., Moreno TA., Dev Biol. December 15, 2005; 288 (2): 434-47.              

The roles of Bcl-xL in modulating apoptosis during development of Xenopus laevis., Johnston J., BMC Dev Biol. September 26, 2005; 5 20.              

The Notch targets Esr1 and Esr10 are differentially regulated in Xenopus neural precursors., Lamar E., Development. August 1, 2005; 132 (16): 3619-30.                    

Functional role of a novel ternary complex comprising SRF and CREB in expression of Krox-20 in early embryos of Xenopus laevis., Watanabe T., Dev Biol. January 15, 2005; 277 (2): 508-21.                

Early requirement of the transcriptional activator Sox9 for neural crest specification in Xenopus., Lee YH, Lee YH., Dev Biol. November 1, 2004; 275 (1): 93-103.          

The Meis3 protein and retinoid signaling interact to pattern the Xenopus hindbrain., Dibner C., Dev Biol. July 1, 2004; 271 (1): 75-86.              

Morphogenetic movements underlying eye field formation require interactions between the FGF and ephrinB1 signaling pathways., Moore KB., Dev Cell. January 1, 2004; 6 (1): 55-67.                

FLASH, a component of the FAS-CAPSASE8 apoptotic pathway, is directly regulated by Hoxb4 in the notochord., Morgan R., Dev Biol. January 1, 2004; 265 (1): 105-12.              

The vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (xVGlut1) is expressed in discrete regions of the developing Xenopus laevis nervous system., Gleason KK., Gene Expr Patterns. August 1, 2003; 3 (4): 503-7.      

The germ cell nuclear factor is required for retinoic acid signaling during Xenopus development., Barreto G., Mech Dev. April 1, 2003; 120 (4): 415-28.            

Cloning and developmental expression of Baf57 in Xenopus laevis., Domingos PM., Mech Dev. August 1, 2002; 116 (1-2): 177-81.    

The secreted glycoprotein Noelin-1 promotes neurogenesis in Xenopus., Moreno TA., Dev Biol. December 15, 2001; 240 (2): 340-60.                  

The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway posteriorizes neural tissue in Xenopus by an indirect mechanism requiring FGF signalling., Domingos PM., Dev Biol. November 1, 2001; 239 (1): 148-60.              

The Alzheimer-related gene presenilin-1 facilitates sonic hedgehog expression in Xenopus primary neurogenesis., Paganelli AR., Mech Dev. September 1, 2001; 107 (1-2): 119-31.      

Neural induction in the absence of mesoderm: beta-catenin-dependent expression of secreted BMP antagonists at the blastula stage in Xenopus., Wessely O., Dev Biol. June 1, 2001; 234 (1): 161-73.              

foxD5a, a Xenopus winged helix gene, maintains an immature neural ectoderm via transcriptional repression that is dependent on the C-terminal domain., Sullivan SA., Dev Biol. April 15, 2001; 232 (2): 439-57.            

The bHLH factors Xath5 and XNeuroD can upregulate the expression of XBrn3d, a POU-homeodomain transcription factor., Hutcheson DA., Dev Biol. April 15, 2001; 232 (2): 327-38.          

Mesendoderm induction and reversal of left-right pattern by mouse Gdf1, a Vg1-related gene., Wall NA., Dev Biol. November 15, 2000; 227 (2): 495-509.              

Ras-mediated FGF signaling is required for the formation of posterior but not anterior neural tissue in Xenopus laevis., Ribisi S., Dev Biol. November 1, 2000; 227 (1): 183-96.            

Gli2 functions in FGF signaling during antero-posterior patterning., Brewster R., Development. October 1, 2000; 127 (20): 4395-405.            

Hes6 acts in a positive feedback loop with the neurogenins to promote neuronal differentiation., Koyano-Nakagawa N., Development. October 1, 2000; 127 (19): 4203-16.              

The maternal Xenopus beta-catenin signaling pathway, activated by frizzled homologs, induces goosecoid in a cell non-autonomous manner., Brown JD., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2000; 42 (4): 347-57.              

Development of the pancreas in Xenopus laevis., Kelly OG., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2000; 218 (4): 615-27.                  

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