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Collazo Laboratory (Retired)

Research Interests

Patterining of the Vertebrate Inner Ear

Research Area

The Collazo lab was dedicated to the identification of genes that are involved in the formation of auditory and vestibular sensory cells (called hair cells) as well as in patterning the ear. The inner ear is a complex, asymmetrical structure whose sensory cells form in a precise geometric pattern that is crucial for their normal function in hearing and balance. Hearing impairment is not just a problem affecting the elderly, as it is also one of the more common birth defects with approximately 20% of deaf newborns have inner ear malformations that are readily visible using radiological examination. What causes these inner ear malformations and why they should lead to hearing loss, as well as balance disorders, was the focus of Dr Collazo's research. He has recently taken a new position at CalTech as the director of the Biological Imaging Facility.

Current Members

Collazo, Andres (Principal Investigator/Director)


Forristall, Caryl A (Post-doc)


Institution: House Ear Institute, USC

Los Angeles, CA