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McLin lab

Research Interests

Early gastrointestinal development

Research Area

The focus of the lab is to study the role of the visceral mesoderm in early gastrointestinal patterning using the advantages of the Xenopus model. Much is known about cell fate decisions in endodermal patterning and epithelial differentiation in the developing vertebrate gastrointestinal tract. The role and contribution of the visceral mesoderm are accepted but poorly understood. Therefore, it is the aim of the lab to characterize the role and molecular regulators driving visceral mesoderm development and its contribution to GI patterning as a whole.

Current Members

McLin, Valérie A (Principal Investigator/Director)


Institution: University of Geneva

Unité de Gastroentérologie
Dept Enfant et Adolescent
Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève
rue Willy Donze 5
1205, Switzerland

Web Page:

General/Lab Fax: +41223824572

Personal Phone: +41223825489