Marcellini Lab
Research Interests
Osteogeneisis and Skeletal developmentResearch Area
I run a Chilean laboratory focusing on the process of bone formation, or osteogenesis, using Xenopus tropicalis as a model organism. Indeed, the availability of two amphibian genomes, combined to the emergence of powerful molecular tools and to the easy access to thousands of externally developing tadpoles make amphibian species particularly suited to study late developmental processes such as organogenesis.Contact
Institution: University of Concepcion, Chile Address:aboratory of Development and Evolution
Department of Cell Biology
University of Concepcion
Casilla 160‐C
Web Page: http://lade.udec.cl/
General/Lab Phone: (56)41‐2 203 295
General/Lab Fax: (56)41‐2 239 687